Regular City Office Hours
Monday-Friday (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.) 507-964-2378
Emergency After-Hours, Nights, Weekends, and Holidays 507-327-6601
Monday-Friday (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.) 507-964-2378
Emergency After-Hours, Nights, Weekends, and Holidays 507-327-6601
The City of Arlington has contracted with PeopleService for the City’s Water/ Wastewater management needs. For more information on PeopleService, please visit their web site.
Compost Pile Location & Hours of Site The City’s compost site is located next to the wastewater facility on the southern edge of town on Freedom Drive. Items allowed: leaves, grass clippings, garden rubbish, and small brush that cannot be chipped. No appliances or garbage are allowed. The site is open daily during daylight hours, except during the winter when it is closed.
Storm Water Runoff Policy (Taken from Ordinance No. 133) All roof drains, footing tiles, cistern overflow pipes, and sump pumps or drains must be constructed to discharge any water carried by them into the City storm sewer or onto the ground surface. Any of the above named connection pumps or drains currently connected directly or indirectly to the sanitary sewer system must be immediately and permanently disconnected from the sanitary sewer system at the cost of the property owner.
The City of Arlington has developed a Wellhead Protection Plan to protect our drinking water from becoming polluted by managing possible sources of contamination in the area which supplies water to Arlington’s public wells. In December of 2007 the City Council accepted and adopted the The Wellhead Protection Plan which you may view here. In the coming months this web site will provide more information describing the City’s Wellhead Protection Plan, including why it was developed and how you can get involved in protecting drinking water wells. For more information on Wellhead Protection click here for MN Department of Health.
Other Services
Digital Television/ Internet/ Telephone Services
Frontier Communications (Phone, Internet) 800-435-1504, visit their website, or call 1-866-497-3059.
Mediacom (Cable, Phone): 800-332-0245
Nuvera (Phone, Internet): 833-974-4284
Nuvera (Phone, Internet): 833-974-4284
Directv (Cable, Phone): 800-494-6272 Directv Website. Existing Customer: For bundling options with phone and internet services Click Here.
Garbage/Waste Collection
Waste Management (Residential/Commercial/Rolloff Dumpster Collection) Phone: 800-450-9378
Gaylord Sanitation, Inc. (Commercial/Rolloff Dumpster Collection) Phone: 507-237-2274
Renville-Sibley Sanitation, Inc. (Residential/Commercial/Rolloff Dumpster Collection) Phone: 507-834-6168
Utilities Location Service
Gopher State One Call Phone: 800-252-1166