Welcome to the Arlington Event Center
Thank you for selecting the Arlington Event Center! The Arlington Event Center is operated and managed by the City of Arlington under the policies and guidelines established by the Arlington City Council. The Event Center also serves as the location of City Hall and is available for general community use.
The City Council recognizes the desirability of having the Event Center used as much as possible. This policy promotes the active use of the Event Center while establishing priorities for use of the facilities and outlining scheduling procedures and guidelines. It also sets reasonable rules and regulations for use of the facility. To clearly communicate this policy, we ask that you read this policy and abide by it.
Reservation Procedures
Please contact the person below to tour and reserve the Arlington Event Center.
Hours of Use
The Event Center is available for rent any day of the week, Monday through Sunday. The Event Center will open no earlier than 6:00 a.m. and will close no later than midnight. Following the event, one hour or up to 1:00 a.m., the renter will be allowed time to gather their personal items/equipment and clean-up. All participants and equipment must be out of the facility by 1:00 a.m. It will be at the discretion of the Event Center Coordinator, and availability of cleaning staff, if the Event Center will be available on holidays. If the Event Center Coordinator approves rental on a holiday, the normal rental rates will be charged.
General Policies
The renter is responsible for enforcing the policies of the Arlington Event Center.